The Scenic Agate Falls

Agate Falls is one of Michigan’s impressive waterfalls. It is nearly 40 feet in height and cascades over a beautiful sandstone terrace. It can provide visitors with a one-of-a-kind experience.

Located about 7 miles east of Bruce Crossing, Agate Falls lies in a scenic site/roadside park off of MI-28. It is easy to access but can be challenging to get a good view of the falls safely.

A well-maintained path leads from the scenic site to above the falls. This path appears to end at a fence. The fence is to discourage visitors from scrambling down the steep, eroding bank down to the river. Instead of this direct route, try to find the continued trail. It is much rougher than the maintained path and harder to find but safer than descending the bank.

Visitors can view the falls from above by climbing up to what was once a railroad bridge and now part of an ATV trail.

Expect to share this waterfall. It is easy to get to by vehicle, making it more popular. There may not be large crowds but it is likely there will be people.

The scenic site is open seasonally and includes parking, water, toilets, and picnic tables. For more information, visit Agate Falls Scenic Site.

Additional waterfalls in the area to check out include Bond Falls, Jumbo Falls, and Duppy Falls.

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